Happy Manufacturing Day! National Manufacturing Day is an opportunity to educate potential employees on the demands of today’s manufacturing field. Did you know that one-third of America’s GDP comes from manufacturing? The manufacturing industry has always played a key role in encouraging America’s persisting growth, and McCourt Manufacturing is proud of the part we play in helping the industry.
This year we’re celebrating National Manufacturing Day by educating others on the history of this industry and sharing our thoughts on the bright future ahead for modern manufacturing!
The manufacturing industry has been an integral piece in the fabric of our country’s economy since the very beginning.
Mass production of furniture began in the 19th century, although it wasn’t until the postwar economic boom after World War II that manufactured products became more widely accessible across the United States. The manufacturing of aircraft, vehicles, ships, etc. was essential to the war effort and spawned the establishment of many factories.
After the war, many of these manufacturing plants adapted with the times in order to mass produce products to the public. Many set industry standards were developed during this time, some that are still in use today.
One of these established patterns is the U.S. standard for placing paramount importance on design, quality materials, and functionality. Something our founder, Charles McCourt, chose to continue in our company. We’ve been in business since 1983 right here in America. McCourt Manufacturing has since produced our 5 millionth chair and become a leader of the local industry after introducing our own line of folding tables and stackable stationary chairs.
Our quality manufacturing saw us through the mass exodus of the manufacturing sector in the 1990’s when production moved largely oversees. Read our 2017 Furniture Manufacturing Report to hear why those jobs may be steadily moving back to the U.S. Today, the United States is considered one of the top three most competitive manufacturing nations.
With recent advancements in manufacturing technology, we’re projected to overtake China’s first place in competitive manufacturing by 2020. Manufacturing continues to be an integral part of modern day America’s workforce, and the demand for skilled laborers has reached an all-time high.
According to a study conducted by Deloitte Consulting and The Manufacturing Institute the skills gap in today’s manufacturing industry is set to become a real issue. Over the next decade, it is projected that 2 million of the 3.4 million available manufacturing jobs in America will go unfulfilled, simply because our upcoming workforce doesn’t have the skill and education needed to do those jobs.
That’s why National Manufacturing Day is so important! Manufacturing employees are the backbone of America and #MFGDAY2017 is a day to raise awareness of the many benefits of going into the manufacturing field. Visit their official website to learn about Manufacturing Day events near you!
Call us at 479-783-2593 or 800-333-2687 to learn more about how McCourt Manufacturing has become a leader in our field. Make sure to share your Manufacturing Day thoughts with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages or any of our other social media channels!
McCourt Manufacturing
1001 North 3rd St
Fort Smith, AR 72901